The Love of Jesus: Heals Broken Hearts, Sets Captives Free
The Love of Jesus compelled Him to come to us, fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy that the anointed One would heal broken hearts and set captives free.
Psalm 84: Beautiful Redemption in the Valleys of Our Pilgrimage
In Psalm 84, we discover how it is that in the very midst of our Valley of Weeping, the Spring–our source of life–is birthed.
A Heart of Good Soil: What it Means and How to Cultivate It
Jesus teaches us about having a heart of good soil in the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13. What does it mean to have a heart of good soil?
God’s Spoken Word: Purposeful, Prosperous, Powerful
God’s spoken word never returns void, but accomplishes His purposes. It is life-giving, fruit-producing, and kingdom-advancing.
Learning to Dance: Letting Holy Spirit Direct Our Steps
We can make our lists and our plans, but making room for Holy Spirit to direct our steps ushers in a beautiful, new way of living in a flow with Him.
Birth of Jesus Ushers in New Era of Hope
The birth of Jesus was God’s tender mercy toward the people of Israel, and toward us. Jesus came as our Dayspring—our heaven-sent Sunrise.
The Practical Part of Being Purified With Holy Fire
Purified With Holy Fire Purified To Be Positioned and Prepared We, who are alive on the earth today are positioned here, in this time and place, to be a part of this significant moment in our world’s history. Last night, in a time of worship, this word was coming...
The Spirit of Truth: Our Powerful Guiding Light
There is no one more In-The-Know than Eternal Jesus.
To Dwell In Love: Trading In ‘Just Deserts’ for the Love Kingdom Way
Dwell In Love Lessons on Love with Little House Matthew 5:43 Love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you. Matthew 5:44 If you missed the first installment of my Little House...
Cultivating a Rich Life with Laura from Little House
Long ago, life was hard, but it was rich. Today we have different challenges, and we must be purposeful in our pursuit of a rich life!
Promises of God: Stones of Remembrance in the Shaking
Promises of God: Stones of Remembrance in the Shaking 2 Peter 1:4 By which have been given to us exceedingly great and precious promises (2 Peter 1:4). John 10:27-28 My Sheep hear my voice, and I know them and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and tehy...
Keeping a Thankful Heart: Life Lessons With Christopher Columbus
Keeping My Heart Thankful Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. 1 Thes 5:18 Thankful in All Things? I find it easy to keep my heart thankful when I think about my beautiful kids and my husband, our family and...
Healing After Miscarriage: My Story of Grief and Hope
Healing After Miscarriage: My Story of Grief and Hope To grieve something is to honor it. —Pat Stark I have had the painful privilege of loving and losing two babies this year through miscarriage. Miscarriage is a hard topic. My first miscarriage was in February of...
Let Your Light Shine: The World Needs the Real You!
Vulnerability takes courage and strength, but we were made to shine. Let your light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven. Matt 5:16
Self Care: Why Is It Important and Who Wants More?
Self care is important. The things we love most in life can bring us joy. But what brings us LIFE? Self care is about taking time for what brings us life.
A Garden Story About Life and Why Cultivating Beauty Matters
Gardening stories are my favorite because everything about a garden reminds me of God. I’m learning that cultivating beauty is important to Him!
Raising Healthy Kids to be Free: Less Micro-Management Please
Raising Healthy Kids to Be Free Raising healthy kids is not easy, particularly when their kid-ness scrapes against our control issues. Case in Point: I have been learning lately (getting schooled) about my tendency to micro-manage. My mentor suggested to me that I may...
Raising Toddlers: A Tired Mom’s Perspective on an Ordinary Treasure Sweep
Raising Toddlers is not for the faint of heart. Getting through the toddler years is exhausting! Here’s a sweet, encouraging story from a tired mom.
Turning 40 and Why It’s a Wonderful Life
Turning 40 isn’t as bad as everyone makes it out to be. In fact, there are some really good things about turning 40.
Luke 1: Reflections On the Redeeming of All Things
Luke 1: Reflections On the Redeeming of All Things. A Christmas Eve Devotional about the gift of redemption we have been given through Jesus.
Authenticity: Why We Aren’t Being Real and How to Change
We genuinely desire authenticity, but how do we get there? First we must understand the masks that we wear and why we wear them.
The Powerful Inner Child: How Meeting Her Changed My Life
The inner child is a powerful little person. The little girl in my childhood photos is my heart, and she holds the keys to truth and healing.
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