A Heart of Good Soil: What it Means and How to Cultivate It

A Heart of Good Soil: What it Means and How to Cultivate It

A Heart of Good Soil

Parable of the Sower

Matthew 13 

In the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13, Jesus teaches us about having a heart of good soil. In this story, He mentions four kinds of soil: the wayside or hard ground, the stony places, the thorny ground, and the good ground or good soil. If you are not familiar with the parable of the sower, you can read the full parable here in Matthew 13:3-9.

Later, as Jesus is talking with His disciples, He gives the interpretation:

When anyone hears the word of the kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes and snatches away what was sown in his heart. This is he who received seed by the wayside. 

But he who received the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while. For when tribulation or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he stumbles. 

Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the word, and the cares of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word, and he becomes unfruitful. 

But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” Matthew 13:19-23

They Didn’t Have Ears to Hear

The “word” in this parable is the Greek word logos. It is widely taught that logos refers to the written word of God, and this is true. But logos carries a much deeper meaning within itself. For the purpose of this passage, we could say that the logos is referring to the message of the kingdom that Jesus carried. It is the same logos message that we carry as believers. 

The seed represents the logos message of the Kingdom. And we, as believers, are the sowers of the seed. 

Now, Jesus knew that the people He was talking to were not going to understand. As He finished speaking, he said to them “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” And as He shared this parable with the multitude, He was talking to them about themselves, but they didn’t get it. This is ironic because He was basically saying to them— you all won’t understand what I’m talking about because you don’t want to hear it, or maybe because there is no deep soil with  strong roots within you, or maybe because earthly cares and riches matter to you more than the message I bring.  

So he was telling them why they wouldn’t get it, but since they didn’t get it, they wouldn’t be able to understand why they didn’t understand. (Huh?)

Matthew 13:11

Later his disciples asked why He spoke to them in [cryptic] parables. And his answer was, because it has been given to you to know the mysteries of heaven, but to them it has not been given. (Matt 13:11) 

Isaiah 6:9

He also told them that it was a fulfillment of the prophecy of Isaiah who said:  Hearing, you will hear, and shall not understand, and seeing, you will see and not perceive; for the hearts of this people have grown dull. Isaiah 6:9

It’s All About the Heart

Ultimately, both in the parable, and regarding the multitudes who could not ‘hear’ it, Jesus was talking about the heart. Having ‘ears to hear’ is all about the posture of the heart. And it is only a heart of good soil that is able to hear and receive the logos. 

What does it look like to have ‘ears to hear’ and a heart of good soil?  

    • Unlike the heart of “hard ground,” the heart of good soil is humble, repentant, open, and soft. It is not hard.  
    • Unlike the heart of “stony places,” the heart of good soil wants the truth above everything else. It is willing to receive truth even when it’s hard to hear.
    • Unlike the heart of “thorny ground,”  the heart of good soil says Yes to the logos. And it is willing to say No to anything that wants to take its place.

The Posture of a Heart of Good Soil

Matthew 7:14

But small is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life and only a few find it. Matt 7:14

The gate is not narrow because we have to be really good to get in, and that’s just too hard. No, that’s not it.

The gate is narrow because recognizing that the logos is a priceless treasure is all about the posture of the heart. In truth, many today are living numb and on auto-pilot, having no thought for matters of the heart. Yet even for us who consider matters of the heart infinitely important, we can never completely know what’s in our hearts. The depths of the human heart are only truly known by God. 

1 Chronicles 28:9

King David, a man after God’s own heart, tells his son Solomon in 1 Chronicles 28:9 As for you, my son Solomon, know the God of your father, and serve Him with a loyal heart and with a willing mind; for the LORD searches all hearts and understands all the intent of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you…

1 Kings 8:39

And receiving this, at the dedication of the temple Solomon prays, “and give to everyone according to all his ways, whose heart You know (for You alone know the hearts of all the sons of men)1 Kings 8:39

We cannot purify or change our own hearts, or even know what needs changing. But we can posture our hearts toward God in humility with an openness to receive His logos. And it is the logos of God working within us that purifies and changes us. In this, we are empowered to co-labor with Holy Spirit to bear and produce much fruit!

God’s Spoken Word: Purposeful, Prosperous, Powerful

God’s Spoken Word: Purposeful, Prosperous, Powerful

God’s Spoken Word

Isaiah 55:10,11

For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10,11

When God says so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth… this is about God’s spoken word. This is not a general reference to the entire written Word of God here — the Bible— as we think of it, but about His spoken word that goes forth from His mouth. God’s spoken word is purposeful, prosperous, and powerful!

My kids and I have had mixed results with planting seeds and seedlings. Most of the seedlings that have died just did not have consistency with watering, or got the wrong amount of sunlight—too much or too little. It’s not hard to get seeds to grow, but it is hard to be consistent. I’m glad God is more faithful than I am.

Here is something to think about: God is consistent and intentional.  He is always—consistantly— at work, and He does not speak a word carelessly or by accident. The rain comes down when God sends it. It doesn’t come “like clockwork” but it comes when God sends it; it refreshes and relieves because it brings life-giving nourishment to the seeds and plants that are in the soil.

God’s Spoken Word is Purposeful

In the Hebrew, “word” is: 

word דָבַר dâbar, which can mean to speak, answer, appoint, bid, command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, talk, teach — and there are many more, not listed here. 

These are purposeful words! God’s spoken word might be an answer. An appointment. It might be a command or a communion. He might be making a declaration or a promise. Or it might be a specific teaching. But whatever He speaks is purposeful. 

The word that goes forth from His mouth is the word that we need to hear in this hour. It is the word that God wants to deposit within the ‘good soil’ of our hearts (think about the parable of the sower) at any given time, and He may do it by any means, through any person, conversation, book, podcast, sermon, song, devotional, story, prophetic word, or Holy Spirit whisper. It is about God depositing a specific word, or specific aspect of His Truth on the inside of us. And it is this powerful just-for-you-word that accomplishes His purposes. 


God’s Spoken Word is Prosperous

Furthermore, “it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

Prosper: צָלַח tsâlach means to push forward, break out, come (mightily), go over, be good, be profitable, cause to prosper

So God’s spoken word not only accomplishes His purpose, but in this, His purposes are being pushed forward and advanced. As His word soaks into the good soil of my heart, the word is doing its work within me, and advancing His purposes and plans in me and through me. This same word prosper can be translated “rush” and is used to describe “rushing into the enemy camp.” And when God’s plan is prospering and pushing forward, we are definitely on the offense—rushing into the enemy camp.


God’s Spoken Word is Powerful

Hebrews 4:12

Remember that the word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). It’s powerful. The powerful, living and active word of God will penetrate the soil of a willing, understanding heart. His living and active word will water the seeds that are already growing there, and like the rain that comes, make what is inside ‘bring forth and bud (there will be good fruit that comes up), giving seed to the sower (fruit that multiplies, what we now have to sow into others) and bread to the eater (their spirit can receive as nourishment).’ 

See how His word is accomplishing His purpose? God’s Kingdom Truth is being planted and harvested and multiplied and spread in us and through us. 


Hearts of Good Soil

If we want that purposeful, prosperous, powerful Word of God in our lives, we keep our ears attentive to Holy Spirit  and we keep filling ourselves up with good spirit food. We can be intentional with our time, and keep an open, ready heart for the living and active word that God is going to deposit there. 

Learning to Dance: Letting Holy Spirit Direct Our Steps

Learning to Dance: Letting Holy Spirit Direct Our Steps

Making Plans with Holy Spirit

Proverbs 19:9

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 19:9

I like to to make plans. I like lists, I like dreaming things up, and I like writing down an elaborate plan. But I have to admit, I am not always listening for what the Holy Spirit might be wanting to say to me in the process. In the verse above, the heart speaks of many things, but one thing it implies is motive. The hidden motives of our heart (at times, hidden even from ourselves) will direct our thoughts in making plans. 

Have you ever committed yourself to something, a project, a personal endeavor, a ‘great idea’ you’ve had, and you’re trying to make it happen? You’re working really hard, pouring hours and hours and energy and money into it, but it feels like you’re wading through molasses and getting nowhere? I have. If I stop long enough to listen, the Holy Spirit will ask, ‘Why are you doing this? Whose idea was this?’


Holy Spirit Leads Our Steps

Steps…this word is actually giving us an insight into how God wants to work with us. In steps. Not miles, not years—steps. If we are listening, we can learn to recognize the leading of His Holy Spirit and to flow with Him, one ‘step’ at a time. Sometimes it’s one hour at a time, or one moment at a time. Flowing with Holy Spirit is like a dance. We move as He moves. He leads, we follow. We are in step and in sync with HIm. 

I took salsa lessons on and off in my twenties. I danced with many different partners, and I noticed that when someone was an experienced, strong lead, even though I was a little clumsy, it was usually pretty easy to get in the flow of following them. When we dance with a parter, there are tiny cues that take place that let us know our next steps. As we practice and get familiar with the style of dance, we learn those cues and learn to follow closely and flow easily with our partner into the next turn or the next move. If I try to anticipate what will happen next, I make a mess of it. The one who is leading decides what will come next. My job is to let my partner lead, follow his cues, and dance!


Dancing with Holy Spirit

Flowing with Holy Spirit is a lot like this. We don’t have to be anxious. We don’t have to anticipate what’s going to come next. Instead, we are learning to recognize the ‘tiny cues’ of Holy Spirit as He drops words, impressions, or a sense of ‘knowing’ into my spirit. He wants me to pray for someone or reach out to them, so He brings them to my mind. Sometimes I only recognize His voice after I’ve already started doing the thing I’m not really supposed to be doing, and then figure out that it’s not going well… there is no flow. It’s that feeling like I’m spinning my wheels, and there is no grace for it. 

One really wonderful thing about living in a flow with Holy Spirit is that I become much more present. I’m not worried about what’s coming next, and I’m not anxious about getting things done or being ‘productive.’ I find that my heart is at rest, and I can enjoy the moment I’m in. I’ve enjoyed time with my kids more this way. I’ve enjoyed time with my husband more. And I think they are probably enjoying me more. 


Becoming OK with the Unknown

But here is the hard part: flowing with Holy Spirit means being OK with not knowing what’s around the corner. It’s easier just to make my plans and my lists, and just get into go-mode. That way I have control of my day and my time and what gets done. But that’s my agenda, isn’t it?

Isaiah 55: 8,9

My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways your ways, declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8,9

Oh, how I want to learn His ways. The more I learn to follow His cues, the more I recognize how different His ways are from my own. And how very different His agenda is from mine. In John 5, Jesus talks about doing only what He saw the Father do. Jesus didn’t even have His own agenda. I want to be about the Father’s agenda, not my own. 

Psalm 25:4

Psalm 25:4 says Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths. This is a simple, but powerful prayer... Show me your ways O Lord, teach me your paths. Show me how I can partner with what You are doing. Please direct my steps! Holy Spirit, You lead, I’ll follow.