You were Made for Love. Does Your Heart Know? LoveLetter December 2021

You were Made for Love. Does Your Heart Know? LoveLetter December 2021

Does Your Heart Know that You were Made for Love?

LoveLetter December 2021

Hello Friends,

I am praying for you today, that you are entering this holiday season full of hope and that the Lord will give you a rested, refreshed heart! If you don’t feel so fresh, ask God to refresh you. Even if your to-do list is a mile long, take a short rest, sit still, and ask Him to come and refresh your heart.

Did you know that you were made for love? God’s love. His presence is tangible, His amazing love is very near and present, always waiting for us, and He is ready at a moment’s notice to come and sit with us in our weariness, and to lavish His love…. Just say the word.

The Most Important Thing

As believers we have such a strong, steady hope because no matter what things look like around us, the Most Important Thing remains the Most Important Thing. Because we are made for love, we are loved beyond comprehension, and that Love sent Jesus to us as a baby, bringing us light and hope, even before we knew how desperately we would need Him. He knew, and He came for us! The love of Jesus—the reality of what He did for us—means we are filled up and made rich every day because we know Him, and He offers the promise of an unimaginably beautiful future to every heart that will accept His love. 

News On The Homefront

We are low-key over here for the holidays… finished our kitchen renovations and now just enjoying them. Some things that I’ve noticed with a new kitchen…We had a catch-all desk in the old kitchen that would pile up with junk mail and books, odds and ends, toys, pens, candy, tools…it always looked like a tornado had hit it—we tore that desk out, thankfully. Now all that stuff can pile up on our new breakfast bar instead. Ha! Before renovations, I used to walk into the kitchen and not feel like making dinner at all. Now that I have this beautiful, bright new space to cook in, I feel the exact same way.

Seriously though, it is a huge blessing to have lots of space and light and a pretty, peaceful atmosphere in our kitchen now to boot. I’m enjoying it.

We are looking forward to using our fire pit this week since the weather is turning a little Christmas-y here. The kids even wore coats to school today! I love Florida winters—a semblance of “cold” without the actual freezing-cold-that-makes-your-face-hurt cold. None of that going on down here.

Word of Encouragement

To Know that We are Made for Love

As I pray today for the word of encouragement that the Lord wants to speak to us, Holy Spirit brings to my mind something close to my heart. To know that we are loved, to learn how to fully receive that love, which maybe takes a lifetime, and as we are learning to live in the fullness of knowing we are loved, that it produces an overflow of love in us.

I was feeling pressured one day recently (pressure coming from myself only) to sit down and write something—to produce something. And as I sat and just started talking to God, He dropped this into my spirit: Being loved is what I was made for. I was made for love. God’s reason and purpose for creating me was so that He could love me for eternity. Period. With an infinitely big “guy-normpus” love. (That’s Ezra’s awesome word) 

He Didn’t Make Us for Performance

He didn’t make me because He needed someone to do things for Him, or to perform, or accomplish things. He didn’t create me so I would become really good at something, or because He knew I would help a lot of people, or that I would be super smart or creative, or that I would do a lot of good and make the world a better place. He created me so that He could LOVE me. And He wants me to love Him too. We are made to be in a much greater love-exchange with God than we know. 

Bringing that truth from my mind, down into believing it, knowing it with my heart—this is the challenge for me. Of course God loves me—look what He did for me! Everybody knows that. But if my actions, my anxious thoughts, or my feeling compelled to ‘produce’ something, reveal to me that my heart isn’t completely believing that, then there is something to consider.


That day, I prayed—Lord, I want to receive Your love. Help me to receive Your love. Because there is no shortage of love extended to us from His end. We are the ones who live like we need to earn our keep. 

Can I Still Love Myself on My Worst Day?

And we might even feel like we have a pretty good handle on knowing we are loved and valuable to God. But what about to myself? How do I feel about myself on days when I get nothing done? Do I feel “ok” even when I didn’t produce anything, I didn’t better myself in any way, I didn’t do anything for someone else, and I successfully avoided making any kind of visible improvement to the mess of everything-under-the-sun that is strewn across nearly every floor in my house? (Except the kitchen floor, because that stuff definitely gets picked up and set carefully on the breakfast bar!) Do I still love and value myself even on the worst of those kinds of days? 

Love Is the Most Important Thing

Jesus said that Love — love for God, and love for others — was the greatest commandment. He said that because Love is the Most Important Thing. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son. God loved us so much, He gave us Jesus. That’s the Most Important Thing. 

Keeping that in focus, especially right now, around holidays, amidst grief or anxiety, in light of all the obligations we face, feeling overwhelmed, feeling pulled on, or whatever else we are facing, can bring us back to that rest in the love and presence of the Lord, that tangible way He shows up and puts his arms around us. Sit with Him, close your eyes, invite Him to love you right where you are, and ask Him to help you receive His Love. 

Prayer Requests

I would love to hear from you. Please send me any thoughts or prayer requests you would like me to pray for. I know this can be a tough time of year for many, and my heart goes out to you if that is you. Please don’t hesitate to reach out. The Holy Spirit has been laying people on my heart a lot lately, and I’d love to lift you up specifically to the Lord today in prayer.  

Heart Matters

  1. If this is a hard or painful time of year for you (for whatever reason) God wants to make His love tangible to you, especially now. I would encourage you to take time to sit with the Lord and ask Him to sit there with you. Ask Him to help you put words to your emotions. Then write about how you are feeling, why this season is hard. Invite Jesus into the situation(s) or memories that are painful. Let His Spirit bring you tears, cleansing, comfort, and words that will minister to your heart.

  2. Thinking about God’s Love… What are ways God has shown you that He loves and cares about you personally, what are some examples of ways that He has demonstrated His love for you? Can you think of a certain time(s) when you felt deeply loved by God?

  3. Do you struggle with feeling like you need to accomplish, produce, do something useful, do a good deed, etc. just to feel “ok” each day? If so, write about your go-to version of this, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you discover possible reasons for this as you write.

  4. Pray and thank God for loving you just as you are in this moment, and then sit still in that love. Think about this statement: I was made to be loved by God, and to love Him.

Romans 8:38-39 

[Nothing] will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord (from Romans 8:38-39)




You were Made for Love. Does Your Heart Know? LoveLetter December 2021

Hebrews 11 On Keeping the Faith – LoveLetter November 2021

Hebrews 11

On Keeping the Faith

LoveLetter November 2021

Hello Friends,

I’m writing from my garden room—windows open, laundry happening, renovation noises going strong (kitchen makeover). Kids are in school, Shane is at work, and the chickens are now safely tucked away in their own little corner of paradise— at the other end of the yard. Their digging was wreaking havoc on my garden, so I thought we might have to give them away. Thankfully, Shane was inspired to build them a run last weekend, so they get to stay. I’m happy! The chickens seem a little depressed, but hopefully this weather will cheer them up.

News on the Homefront

The biggest thing going on around here is the kitchen makeover… we became kitchen-less on October 1st—that’s the tear-out picture above and that first day was really exciting because the kitchen suddenly became so open and spacious! I almost wanted to just leave it that way. But then there’s that little issue of cooking and washing dishes and stuff like that, so we opted to keep going and fill the room up with cabinets, countertops, appliances—the whole nine yards. We are on the home stretch now and I am so thankful for my new kitchen, and thankful it’s almost finished!

To welcome the autumn weather, on the first night that was barely cool enough to enjoy it, we struck up a fire in the fire pit. The kids love when we build a fire—fireside times make such good memories. We invited our neighbors to come and share spiced milk with us, and then we roasted marshmallows. Yona likes to roast them, but she doesn’t like them roasted, so she roasts a few for someone else, and then she eats a few raw marshmallows. Ezra’s favorite thing about the fire is putting it out at the end with the water hose. So everybody was happy.

Word of Encouragement


Faith is the word of the hour in my garden room… I continue to pray for more and more revelation of what faith is really about. Hebrews 11 talks about men and women who were counted righteous in God’s eyes, not because of their exceptional skills, their strength, their good deeds, smarts, looks, or high position, but because of their faith.

Genesis 15:6

When God came to Abraham (then, Abram) and promised him that his descendants would outnumber the stars, Genesis 15:6 records the response of Abram’s heart: And he believed in the Lord, and He accounted it to him for righteousness.

The word for believe in Hebrew is ‘aman, derived from another word yamen. Both words mean to ‘go to the right’ or ‘use the right hand.’ So the word believeis connected to the idea of the right hand. 

The Hebrew language, like our unsearchable God, is fascinating and rich and full of mysteries and treasures. In an article about yamen, Chaim Bentorah writes about several Hebrew words that share a numerical value with yamen (the numerical value of the letters Yod, Mem, and Nun, the Hebrew spelling of yamen, add up to 100). Here are some words that share the numerical value 100, and are connected to believe in this way: Chaka which means wait; Yadah which means praise; yadyad which is the word for beloved friend, and literally means hand in hand. Bentorah writes “two people joining their right hands, like in a handshake, were really saying that they were going to share their hearts with each other.”

He also explains that the right hand in Hebrew culture metaphorically represents strength and power. 

Going to the Right Hand of God

When we choose to believe God, we are “going to the right hand” of God—He is steadfastly Strong and Powerful, and we exchange our weakness for His strength and power when we entrust our hearts and our circumstances to Him. When we believe, we are leaning on our strong and powerful Beloved, sharing hearts with God—hand in hand. We chakah—wait. And we yadah—praise!

I used to think of faith almost like a wishing well. 1) Say a prayer (make a wish) 2) have faith (believe really hard).  And then God measures my faith, and if there is enough, He’ll give me what I asked for.

Hebrews 11:13

But…Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Sarah…These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, were assured of them, embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on earth (Hebrews 11:13).

These all believed—they saw through ‘faith eyes’—the unseen realm of God’s promises, His mysterious ways, His ability to do the impossible. It was their faith—before any promise was fulfilled, before any prayer was answered— that pleased God. Their heart’s response to God’s voice. Their faith (believe + obey) response was bringing the better offering, building the ark, or just believing what God said.

Hebrews 11:2

That faith response was what God was looking for, and Hebrews 11:2 says that by [their faith] the elders obtained a good testimony. God did keep his promises, but many times, men and women of faith did not witness the fulfillment of those promises in this life.

He speaks to us too, just like He spoke to Abraham—His Spirit to our spirit. God speaks through His written Word. He also communicates with us in a silent thought, through a conversation with a friend, by way of an article we read, in a theme that returns throughout the day or through the week, on a podcast, through a song we hear, in the whisper of the wind outside the window.  He is so often speaking. How does my heart respond to His voice? 

Our Faith is Precious to God

With unfulfilled promises or unanswered prayer, we may feel hurt or angry when we think of God. We may be wrestling with Him. We may be grieving and feeling lost. It is in the midst of these challenges that I believe our faith is most precious and treasured of the Lord, who has, in His infinite and pure love, given us total freedom—to embrace or reject Him in our pain. 

Faith that Moves Mountains

If we have chosen to love and believe God, then we are on a faith journey. Sometimes we are full of faith, sometimes not so much.  Our faith may feel so small sometimes, but Jesus said we only needed faith as big as a mustard seed. That’s not much. There’s just a little tiny bit there. The reason a tiny bit of faith can move a mountain is that when we believe something we can’t see, we are ‘going to the right hand’ of God. We are turning to His Strong and Powerful right hand. It is that Strong and Powerful right hand that moves mountains.

Prayer Requests

Send me a note with any prayer requests. I want to ‘go to the right hand’ of God with you!

Heart Matters

Here are some reflection questions. Ask yourself these questions and journal your answers.

1.  When God is speaking to me, which He does in a myriad of ways, do I recognize that it’s Him? How have I heard Him speak to me recently?
2.  Is there something that I have been wrestling with God about? (Sometimes it can help to write Him a letter about how you are feeling, your hurts, doubts, questions, fears, disappointments.)
3.  Have you felt like ‘giving up’ lately? Do you feel like you have been fighting discouragement? (I admit that I have been!) If so, pray and ask God to give you some scriptures that will encourage you and ‘lift up your head,’ and bring you hope.

I am praying this for myself and for all of you. Stay encouraged, don’t lose heart… Keep the faith God has put in your heart, no matter how small, don’t let that flicker of faith go out. He is still working on your behalf—He does not forget us! 

Psalm 3:3

But You, Oh Lord, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head (Psalm 3:3).



You were Made for Love. Does Your Heart Know? LoveLetter December 2021

Unexpected Gifts in the Shaking – LoveLetter September 2021

Unexpected Gifts in the Shaking

LoveLetter September 2021

Hi Friends! 

It has been too long since my last letter, and I thought I might have to change the name of my newsletter to “LoveLetter Quarterly.” But instead, I’m going to give this a go again and let’s just say we took a break for summer. 

So much has happened in the world since I last wrote in May. It feels like the whole world is groaning with grief. My heart has been heavy as I think about it all. But I have chosen after a time, not to think about it. Holy Spirit reminds me that taking on the weight of the world is not sustainable, nor is it helpful. So instead, I think about what is mine to carry. As best as I can figure, my job is to pray, to be part of practical solutions, and to be present for my family. So that has been my goal lately.

News on the Homefront

July was all about renovations–we enclosed our porch this summer to create a bright, beautiful get-away room. Now we can enjoy our garden and our A/C. At the same time!

 We also took a short beach trip to New Smyrna Beach. Shane waited until after he took the kids boogie boarding to inform me of New Smyrna’s reputation as the “shark attack capital of the world.” You can google that. And he “only saw one shark” swim by while they were splashing around out there. (!!)

 My kiddos started school in August. I haven’t had this many hours to myself since before Yona was born!  Technically it is a homeschool co-op, but they go 3 days a week and it’s pretty much like school. They are doing great, and I have mixed feelings, but mostly, I’m loving it.

 Last but not least, we officially have Four Laying Hens. We’re gathering eggs over here people! I have always wanted to be a farm girl, and now my dream is coming true. The sheer thrill, seeing four fresh-laid-eggs each morning as I check the nesting box—it never gets old. Taking a dozen fresh-laid-eggs to my neighbor last week was also pretty exhilarating!

A Longing for Simplicity 

To be somewhat serious though (and I feel a little silly sharing this), I looked out the window at my chickens pecking around in the garden the other day, and I started crying. You know a girl cries easily when the sight of chickens brings her to tears! I had to think about why. I think it was because my chickens represent something more. There has been a longing within me for quite some time now, and it has grown over time, for a place and time when life was not like this. The Olden Days. Sigh. I’m sure I’m looking through rose-colored glasses, but I can’t help it!

I know that there have always been challenges in every era, for every generation, and with every way of life. But still, I wrestle with that wishing—that things could be less complicated, more down to earth; that life was less about technology and “information” and polarized perspectives, and more about chickens and gardening and neighbors sharing sugar. Think of how present we could be!

 And yet, God saw fit to deposit us into the Earth during this very time in history. So even though I have let myself acknowledge and feel sadness for what’s been lost, I also remember this: It is not by accident that we are here, now.

Revelation 21:4

My heart longs for simpler days, but I think deep down, it is really a longing for the Promised Land, for a day still to come, when He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away (Revelation 21:4).

 That day is coming. But right now, there is more to do, more ground to be taken, more books to be written, more music to be played and songs to be sung, more time to be redeemed.

Ephesians 5:15-17

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is. (Ephesians 5:15-17).

Word of Encouragement


As I pray, I hear the word Disruption. When God wants to get our attention, He allows our world—our safe, secure, status quo—to be disrupted. There is purpose in it, and there is fresh revelation and healing to come. He is building us, and producing good things within us in the midst of it. (Give us ears to hear Your voice and eyes to see You, Lord!) 


I also hear the word Shift. He is shifting things…in the natural and in the spirit realm. The shift in the natural may look like a change we were not expecting; a new job; a different living arrangement; a new direction or focus we are prompted to take. In the spirit, we can know that God is moving, and He is at work in all things. When we cannot see what He is doing, it is comforting and gives me courage and hope to know that He is doing something.

Psalm 121:4

Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. (Psalm 121:4).


I also hear the word Shaking. Sometimes when our world gets shaken, it feels like everything is falling apart, and God is allowing it, and that can feel like abandonment.

Hebrews 12:27

Yet we know by His character, that His purpose is to bring life and that He allows the shaking… in order that the things that cannot be shaken may remain (Hebrews 12:27). If this feels like something you are going through right now, I hope you will read Promises of God: Stones of Remembrance In The Shaking.


And the last word I hear today in prayer is Perspective. What is God’s Perspective?

Isaiah 55:8

For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts. (Isaiah 55:8).

I believe He is asking us to seek out His perspective. Is there a situation you can think of in your life right now, where you feel like a new perspective (A God-Perspective) may be just what you need?

 Prayer Requests

Please email me with anything you would like me to pray about with you.

 Heart Matters

Here are some reflection questions for this month:

  1. Are there any “disruptions” that have got your attention right now? Take time to pray and ask God to give you some specific words that represent what He is building and producing within you. Write or journal about it.

  2. Can you identify something in your life (in the natural, seen realm) that is shifting? Could this represent something that is shifting in the spiritual realm? Pray for insight into this and spend some time writing about it. How can you partner with what God is doing through this shift?

  3. If you feel like things in your life have been “shaken” take some time to write about it. What do you think God is allowing to be shaken? Ask God to show you what it is that “cannot be shaken” in a way that is personal for you. I pray that He speaks straight from His heart to yours.

From Isaiah 55

Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters; and you who have no money, come buy and eat. Yes, come, buy wine and milk without money and without price. Why do you spend money for what is not bread, and your wages for what does not satisfy? Listen carefully to Me, and eat what is good, And let your soul delight itself in abundance. Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live…

Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts; let him return to the Lord, and He will have mercy on him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. 

For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.

For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”



You were Made for Love. Does Your Heart Know? LoveLetter December 2021

Facing Our Disappointment on the Road to Beautiful -LoveLetter May 2021

Something Beautiful is Forged in Our Disappointment

LoveLetter May 2021


Hello Friends,

Happy spring! The spring weather is pert-near-perfect here in sunny central Florida. I don’t remember May ever being this cool in the mornings and evenings, but I’ll take it. I think we’ve just had a few really long, hot summers here the last several years and that is what sticks in my memory. But these gorgeous mornings are amazing—I don’t want them to end! I know they will… but a girl can dream.

Speaking of mornings, we now have four new faces to behold each morning. Avian faces to be specific. Chickens! Yes, we adopted four baby chicks about a month ago, and we have had lots of opportunity to experience and reflect on the ebb and flow (pros and cons) of pet-ownership—something I haven’t participated in for at least a couple of decades.

My Chickens are My Therapy

Anyway, here we are with four teenage-looking chickens, and I have to say, taking care of chickens is really grounding—if you need that. Very helpful. I have needed that desperately to be really honest.

Where I usually thrive on words—words in my head, words on the page,  on a screen, words coming through my fingertips… I got really burned out, and have literally had no heart to write almost anything. My previous newsletter is about the only thing I’ve written in the last 2 months. Which is ok—like most things in life, there is an ebb and flow to it, and I’m in the ebb. But I feel like I may be sensing some movement toward the flow.

Either way, watching the chickens peck at the dirt has been a great source of earthy, lost-in-thought/not-thinking-at-all time. Watching them gives me permission to just BE. I didn’t know how necessary that would be for me these last couple months. So, great for me, but also a wonderful experience for the kids–Yona is a natural little mama to them!

Word of Encouragement


The word that I hear as I pray is disappointment. When hopes are deferred, disappointment can stay hidden beneath the surface. The past month has been like this for me—I had been going through my days, feeling all kinds of things— tired, numb, irritable, impatient, on-edge, down, unmotivated, overwhelmed… it had been a busy few weeks, so I didn’t have much time to think about it.

I knew something was up, but I didn’t really know what it was… But when I took some time to process, I figured out that I have actually been facing some big disappointments. Disappointed longings, really.

Disappointed Longings

I have had to acknowledge and grieve the disappointed longings. Some longings we have held in our hearts for a lifetime. Having our longings disappointed over and over can be incredibly discouraging. The wait feels much too long. But what I am encouraged by is that in that long wait, God does His deepest work within us.

Galatians 5:22

But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions:

joy that overflows,

peace that subdues,

patience that endures,

kindness in action,

a life full of virtue,

faith that prevails,

gentleness of heart, and 

strength of spirit.

Galatians 5:22 TPT

He is always doing something good, but He is especially producing the fruit of His divine love within me in the most difficult times and seasons.

Look for the Open Doors

Some of my disappointment has been as a result of closed doors. I felt like the Holy Spirit was nudging me to take a look around me and see what doors were actually open. Doing this shifted my perspective. Doing this also pulled me back to Present. I struggle with staying present, so this was good for me. When doors are closed, look for the doors that are open—they are often very close by. 

He is Working on the Inside

He may not be focused on the external change in my circumstances right now because of that work He is doing inside of me. He is producing joy–in the face of adversity. He is producing peace–even in the midst of chaos or difficulty. He is producing patience–persevering and unswerving.

He is producing kindness–that absolutely requires peace and patience, and tangibly offers His love. He is producing depth of character that cannot come any other way. He is producing faith that cannot be shaken and will carry us into eternity.

He is producing a beautiful inward gentleness–forged in the fires of humility. He is producing strength of spirit–so that our spirit-man will be the strongest voice we hear, keeping us fixed on the unseen realm.  

The Diamond is the Change

In God’s kingdom, the prize—the diamond— is not that thing I have been hoping for. The diamond is the change God is working within me as I wait for that thing. God will fulfill our deepest longings—that is His good way—in His good time. But the diamond God is forming is the deposit of His divine love within me—in all its varied expressions.

Prayer Requests

Please send me an email if there is anything I can pray about with you. If you want to pray for me this month, when you think of me please pray for a supernatural measure of peace, clarity and direction with some decisions we are making, and for grace–lots of it every day.

Heart Matters

Here are some reflection questions for this month: 

  1. Set aside some time this week to check in with your heart. As you have been going through your days, do you feel like you are in a healthy, encouraged, energetic flow? or are you feeling ‘off’ or down, or like you are struggling?

  2. Are there any situations or circumstances that have caused you to experience disappointment or disappointed longings? Talk to God about it, or write about it in your journal.

  3. If you have experienced closed doors recently, can you think of some open doors you haven’t considered? How could you take steps toward pursuing those open doors?


Paul’s Prayer

I’m going to leave you with this rich prayer Paul wrote. I hope you will read it slowly, take it in, and fully receive it!

Ephesians 1:17-20

I pray that the Father of glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, would impart to you the riches of the Spirit of wisdom and the Spirit of revelation to know him through your deepening intimacy with him. I pray that the light of God will illuminate the eyes of your imagination, flooding you with light, until you experience the full revelation of the hope of his calling—that is, the wealth of God’s glorious inheritances that He finds in us, his holy ones! I pray that you will continually experience the immeasurable greatness of God’s power made available to you through faith. Then your lives will be an advertisement of this immense power as it works through you! This is the mighty power that was released when God raised Christ from the dead, and exalted him to the place of highest honor and supreme authority in the heavenly realm! (Ephesians 1:17-20 TPT).

