God’s Spoken Word

Isaiah 55:10,11

For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven, and do not return there, but water the earth, and make it bring forth and bud, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater, so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it. Isaiah 55:10,11

When God says so shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth… this is about God’s spoken word. This is not a general reference to the entire written Word of God here — the Bible— as we think of it, but about His spoken word that goes forth from His mouth. God’s spoken word is purposeful, prosperous, and powerful!

My kids and I have had mixed results with planting seeds and seedlings. Most of the seedlings that have died just did not have consistency with watering, or got the wrong amount of sunlight—too much or too little. It’s not hard to get seeds to grow, but it is hard to be consistent. I’m glad God is more faithful than I am.

Here is something to think about: God is consistent and intentional.  He is always—consistantly— at work, and He does not speak a word carelessly or by accident. The rain comes down when God sends it. It doesn’t come “like clockwork” but it comes when God sends it; it refreshes and relieves because it brings life-giving nourishment to the seeds and plants that are in the soil.

God’s Spoken Word is Purposeful

In the Hebrew, “word” is: 

word דָבַר dâbar, which can mean to speak, answer, appoint, bid, command, commune, declare, destroy, give, name, promise, pronounce, talk, teach — and there are many more, not listed here. 

These are purposeful words! God’s spoken word might be an answer. An appointment. It might be a command or a communion. He might be making a declaration or a promise. Or it might be a specific teaching. But whatever He speaks is purposeful. 

The word that goes forth from His mouth is the word that we need to hear in this hour. It is the word that God wants to deposit within the ‘good soil’ of our hearts (think about the parable of the sower) at any given time, and He may do it by any means, through any person, conversation, book, podcast, sermon, song, devotional, story, prophetic word, or Holy Spirit whisper. It is about God depositing a specific word, or specific aspect of His Truth on the inside of us. And it is this powerful just-for-you-word that accomplishes His purposes. 


God’s Spoken Word is Prosperous

Furthermore, “it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.”

Prosper: צָלַח tsâlach means to push forward, break out, come (mightily), go over, be good, be profitable, cause to prosper

So God’s spoken word not only accomplishes His purpose, but in this, His purposes are being pushed forward and advanced. As His word soaks into the good soil of my heart, the word is doing its work within me, and advancing His purposes and plans in me and through me. This same word prosper can be translated “rush” and is used to describe “rushing into the enemy camp.” And when God’s plan is prospering and pushing forward, we are definitely on the offense—rushing into the enemy camp.


God’s Spoken Word is Powerful

Hebrews 4:12

Remember that the word of God is living and active (Hebrews 4:12). It’s powerful. The powerful, living and active word of God will penetrate the soil of a willing, understanding heart. His living and active word will water the seeds that are already growing there, and like the rain that comes, make what is inside ‘bring forth and bud (there will be good fruit that comes up), giving seed to the sower (fruit that multiplies, what we now have to sow into others) and bread to the eater (their spirit can receive as nourishment).’ 

See how His word is accomplishing His purpose? God’s Kingdom Truth is being planted and harvested and multiplied and spread in us and through us. 


Hearts of Good Soil

If we want that purposeful, prosperous, powerful Word of God in our lives, we keep our ears attentive to Holy Spirit  and we keep filling ourselves up with good spirit food. We can be intentional with our time, and keep an open, ready heart for the living and active word that God is going to deposit there. 


  1. Camille

    Your teaching is, for me, so reminiscent of your dad’s ministry days. Your style and substance is so familiar…very good, applicable, timely, meaningful. Appreciated.

    • Chalis Butler

      Thank you mom!

  2. Shane Butler

    So good! Reminds me of what we were talking about yesterday. Being filled with the life (Zoe) of God. We must be intentional about drawing our life from God everyday, and making it our first priority.


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