Making Plans with Holy Spirit

Proverbs 19:9

A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 19:9

I like to to make plans. I like lists, I like dreaming things up, and I like writing down an elaborate plan. But I have to admit, I am not always listening for what the Holy Spirit might be wanting to say to me in the process. In the verse above, the heart speaks of many things, but one thing it implies is motive. The hidden motives of our heart (at times, hidden even from ourselves) will direct our thoughts in making plans. 

Have you ever committed yourself to something, a project, a personal endeavor, a ‘great idea’ you’ve had, and you’re trying to make it happen? You’re working really hard, pouring hours and hours and energy and money into it, but it feels like you’re wading through molasses and getting nowhere? I have. If I stop long enough to listen, the Holy Spirit will ask, ‘Why are you doing this? Whose idea was this?’


Holy Spirit Leads Our Steps

Steps…this word is actually giving us an insight into how God wants to work with us. In steps. Not miles, not years—steps. If we are listening, we can learn to recognize the leading of His Holy Spirit and to flow with Him, one ‘step’ at a time. Sometimes it’s one hour at a time, or one moment at a time. Flowing with Holy Spirit is like a dance. We move as He moves. He leads, we follow. We are in step and in sync with HIm. 

I took salsa lessons on and off in my twenties. I danced with many different partners, and I noticed that when someone was an experienced, strong lead, even though I was a little clumsy, it was usually pretty easy to get in the flow of following them. When we dance with a parter, there are tiny cues that take place that let us know our next steps. As we practice and get familiar with the style of dance, we learn those cues and learn to follow closely and flow easily with our partner into the next turn or the next move. If I try to anticipate what will happen next, I make a mess of it. The one who is leading decides what will come next. My job is to let my partner lead, follow his cues, and dance!


Dancing with Holy Spirit

Flowing with Holy Spirit is a lot like this. We don’t have to be anxious. We don’t have to anticipate what’s going to come next. Instead, we are learning to recognize the ‘tiny cues’ of Holy Spirit as He drops words, impressions, or a sense of ‘knowing’ into my spirit. He wants me to pray for someone or reach out to them, so He brings them to my mind. Sometimes I only recognize His voice after I’ve already started doing the thing I’m not really supposed to be doing, and then figure out that it’s not going well… there is no flow. It’s that feeling like I’m spinning my wheels, and there is no grace for it. 

One really wonderful thing about living in a flow with Holy Spirit is that I become much more present. I’m not worried about what’s coming next, and I’m not anxious about getting things done or being ‘productive.’ I find that my heart is at rest, and I can enjoy the moment I’m in. I’ve enjoyed time with my kids more this way. I’ve enjoyed time with my husband more. And I think they are probably enjoying me more. 


Becoming OK with the Unknown

But here is the hard part: flowing with Holy Spirit means being OK with not knowing what’s around the corner. It’s easier just to make my plans and my lists, and just get into go-mode. That way I have control of my day and my time and what gets done. But that’s my agenda, isn’t it?

Isaiah 55: 8,9

My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are My ways your ways, declares the Lord. Isaiah 55:8,9

Oh, how I want to learn His ways. The more I learn to follow His cues, the more I recognize how different His ways are from my own. And how very different His agenda is from mine. In John 5, Jesus talks about doing only what He saw the Father do. Jesus didn’t even have His own agenda. I want to be about the Father’s agenda, not my own. 

Psalm 25:4

Psalm 25:4 says Show me your ways, O Lord, teach me your paths. This is a simple, but powerful prayer... Show me your ways O Lord, teach me your paths. Show me how I can partner with what You are doing. Please direct my steps! Holy Spirit, You lead, I’ll follow. 


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