Purified With Holy Fire

Purified To Be Positioned and Prepared

We, who are alive on the earth today are positioned here, in this time and place, to be a part of this significant moment in our world’s history. Last night, in a time of worship, this word was coming up…PURIFY.  We are being purified with His holy fire. In this way, we are being positioned and prepared.

 But what are we being positioned and prepared for?

God is Moving

God will carry out His will and His ways upon this earth—regardless of what we want to happen or what we think should happen. In fact, whether we are for or against His plan, with Him or not—He will have His way.

 God will carry out Justice.

He will overcome Evil.

He will expose every lie.

The Light will shine in the Darkness.

Love will win.

 Jonathan Cahn’s Book The Mystery of The Shemitah drove this home for me. Because reading this book opened my eyes to how unquestionably involved God is in world events and how final His Word is. Time cannot limit God’s vision, understanding and involvement—they are infinite in every direction— past, present, and future. Because of this, we could say He has unmitigated authority and impeccable timing.

Most importantly, there is no question that HE IS MOVING NOW, and we are invited to be a part of what He is doing on this earth, in this time. 

Letting God Purify Me

So here is the question we must answer:

Am I willing to surrender on a personal level to God’s purifying fire?

Psalm 51:6

Do we truly desire, as He does for us, to know the truth in the inward parts? Psalm 51:6 says Behold, You desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part You will make me to know wisdom.

Now, it is one thing to share our political opinions on social media, to pray for our nation, to give to causes we believe in, to stand up for what’s right in whatever ways seem good to us. But if there are unresolved issues within our hearts, then they will color our involvement in the current Conversation, and the atmosphere we carry through these days.

So despite our best intentions, we will not come to others purely from a place of God’s Love. This has always been true, but in these days, it becomes more apparent. In short, we are being pressed, and it is in this pressing, that whatever is really happening on the inside comes out.

But what if God wants to purify us so we can ascend His mountain? Will we willingly enter into a time of purification? Particularly, can we lay down control, self-protection, opinion, image, and pride, and invite God to reveal to us what’s on the inside of us?

Certainly we must ask ourselves, Will I choose to allow His Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth, to expose and address the things within me that need to be healed or gotten rid of? For example, these could be things like: unhealed wounds. Entitlement. Selfishness. Addiction. Victim or Scarcity mentality. False Shame. Lack of Boundaries. Self-hatred. Contempt. Self-righteousness. Perfectionism. Being Critical. Being easily offended. Writing people off.


Why Is This So Important Right Now?

Psalm 24

In The Passion Translation commentary for Psalm 24, the author says, ”God’s people are identified as “living gates” and “doorways.” And when God opens the doors of eternity within us, no one is able to shut them.” So here is why this word—PURIFY—is  significant now more than ever before:

 Psalm 24 From The Passion Translation

 Yahweh claims the world as his. Everything and everyone belong to him! He’s the one who pushed back oceans to let the dry ground appear, planting firm foundations for the earth.

 Who then is allowed to ascend the mountain of Yahweh? And who has the privilege of entering into God’s Holy Place? Those who are clean—whose works and ways are pure, whose hearts are true and sealed by the truth, those who never deceive, whose words are sure. They will receive Yahweh’s blessing and righteousness given by the Savior-God. They will stand before God, for they seek the pleasure of God’s face, the God of Jacob. (Pause in his presence)

 So wake up, you living gateways! Lift up your heads, you doorways of eternity! Welcome the King of Glory, for He is about to come through you. You ask, ‘who is this King of Glory?’ Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, Yahweh, invincible in every way!

 So wake up, you living gateways, and rejoice! Fling wide, you eternal doors! Here he comes; the King of Glory is ready to come in. You ask, ‘Who is this King of Glory?’ He is Yahweh, armed and ready for battle, the Mighty One, the invincible commander of heaven’s hosts! Yes, he is the King of Glory!


We Cannot Purify Ourselves

Isaiah 64:6

Lovers of God, Lovers of Truth—we cannot purify ourselves— only He can purify us. Because for all of our striving to be good and righteous, and to “get it right,” we will fail. In fact, He tells us in Isaiah 64:6 that all of our righteous acts are as filthy rags.

In truth, we are made pure by His work on the cross alone. Yet for us to fully accept and embrace that truth with all of our heart, not just with our mind or our lips, we have to let him deal with the false beliefs hidden in our hearts.

He purifies us so that we can learn to fully accept His Love for us, so that we can love other people whole-heartedly with God’s Pure Love.



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